Spend less time scheduling and more time selling

With a robust library of features, you can truly skip the scheduling hassle and start focusing on closing. Automated scheduling, round-robin, buffer times, and so much more make it easy to simplify the scheduling process for your sales team.

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Opens source scheduling for sales teams

Cal is a customizable open source calendar infrastructure product that simplifies scheduling for sales teams. Using Cal means you don’t have to go back and forth when coordinating times and dates with clients, co-workers, supervisors, or sponsors. 

Instead, you can just send a meeting link. This lets your guests select available meeting slots that have been generated based on your organization’s pre-established parameters.

Cal can be used to host meetings in-person, over the phone, and is compatible with a wide variety of video conferencing platforms. 

Sales teams can use the Cal app store to effortlessly integrate services like Close.com, SendGrid, Salesforce, and Google analytics. Cal offers options that accommodate multiple time zones, round-robin scheduling, collective events, and private single-use links.

In addition to being developer-friendly and white-label compatible, Cal also comes with no-code options that accommodate multiple time zones, round-robin scheduling, collective events, and automated reminders.

Using Cal is one of the simplest things sales teams Cal do to simplify their workday and take the stress out of scheduling.

Features that make your sales grow

An illustration of No more manual scheduling

No more manual scheduling

Eliminate the back and forth with our automated scheduling. Send over your link and have the prospective client choose a day and time that works best for them. Keep it embedded on your site, or add it to your signature; the choice is yours.

An illustration of Mutiple meeting locations

Mutiple meeting locations

Whether you're scheduling for in person, video, phone call, or sync chat, Cal supports it all. Select the event type that fits best for you and your clients

An illustration of Round-robin scheduling

Round-robin scheduling

Distribute the weight among the team with our round-robin capabilities. Add multiple people and rotate new prospective clients through your whole sales team.

An illustration of Allocate for travel with buffer times

Allocate for travel with buffer times

Need time to get from place to place or meeting to meeting? What about a quick coffee break? With our Buffer Times, you can set time between your meetings to realign or get where you need to go before the next one starts.

An illustration of Grab information from intro calls

Grab information from intro calls

With our SendGrid app, Cal allows you to automatically grab the information from your meetings and add it to SendGrid. No manual data transfer ever again.

An illustration of Choose your meeting size

Choose your meeting size

Whether it's a one to one or one to many, Cal allows you to pull in as many or as few people as you'd like. Easily concatenate users and pull availability to discuss best practices between your staff.

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