Friday, September 15, 2023 · 6 min read v3.3: Performance improvements & more..

Ciarán Hanrahan
Ciarán HanrahanHead of Product v3.3: Performance improvements & more..

Welcome to the 3.3 changelog. The main focus for the past month for us has been working on the performance of our app and we’ve made huge strides forward. We’ve also shipped a ton of other features including an incredible way to view all of your team member’s availability. Plus a teaser of one of our biggest ever product releases that’s just around the corner.

Performance improvements

As of 3.3, large round-robin events will no longer suffer painfully long load times for the booking page. We’ve optimized query performance for these event types and have seen reductions from 25 seconds down to 4 seconds for groups as large as 50 members.

On top of these changes for round-robin events, other algorithm, query and bundle optimizations were made to the booking page, making it faster for everyone.

Lastly, we targeted our slowest database query in the system and reduced its execution time by 90%. This affects many parts of our system, making it feel snappier as you move throughout the app.

For future performance improvements, we are building a new caching mechanism that allows us to load booking pages even faster. This is an exciting technical challenge for us as our system supports many different calendars and users with a wide range of events and settings.

Check it out

Availability for your entire team

You can now easily see the availability of all of your team members, across multiple timezones, in one beautiful view. Need to know who’s available at 10 am PDT? This view has your answer. If no one is available, you can click them and make them available every day, or just available on one particular day by adding a date override.

Our primary inspiration came from the excellent worldtimebuddy. Anyone working across multiple time zones is likely to be familiar with this site. It’s not the sexiest UI, but the UX is solid. We hope ours is as easy to use.

Try it

Coming soon:

A sneak peek into our newest addition: This innovative feature will employ artificial intelligence to streamline meeting arrangements. With, users can hand over their scheduling tasks to your very personal ai-driven assistant, allowing them to dedicate their time to other critical activities. Keep on the lookout as we unveil this new feature in the coming weeks! We can't wait to share it with you.

Your personal assistant will be based on your username: will be so get your sweet username today, if you haven't already!

Scheduling for organizations, reimagined

Unlock efficient scalability and growth with's robust organization and team features. 

Get a custom domain for your org and instantly convert every email address in your org to a username with a link for every member ready to go: → 

Take advantage of org-wide workflows, routing forms, white labelling, insights, directory sync, and advanced user management.

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New features

Booking page column view only shows available days

Previously the column view would show days that don’t have available slots with a placeholder saying there were no slots available. Now those days are hidden entirely so more of your availability is shown on screen providing more options for bookers. If you prefer people to also see days that are not available, the Weekly view works perfectly for this. 

Show or hide available seat count

There is now a checkbox to "Show the number of available seats". When checked, your bookers will see the exact number of available seats for an event. When unchecked it will only show an approximate like "Seats almost full".

Add ICS events to workflow reminders

You can now include a calendar event (ICS file) in your workflow reminder emails. Once you have an email set as the Action, you will see a new checkbox below the email body field. Simply check it to add it.

Bulk actions on members in organisations

You can now bulk edit users in the members table in Organisations. This means you can quickly add as many people as you want to a team, delete people in bulk and now that we have the UX for it, we’ll be adding much more bulk edit capabilities.

Team admins can see connected apps of members

A little icon will appear on member's cards on the member's page so you can see what apps each of your members have installed. The current UI for this is effective but not very scalable so we will be improving this very soon.

Ordering for workflow and routing forms

You can now order your workflows and routing forms just like you can with your event types.

Recently added apps in the app store

There’s a new section in the app store that allows you to see our catalogue of recently added apps. Our most recent two are just below.

New app: / Integromat

You can use the app to automate your workflows when a booking is created, rescheduled, cancelled or when a meeting has ended. You can also get all your bookings with the 'List Bookings' module.

New app: Basecamp 

You can now have meetings booked from automatically get added to project schedules in Basecamp with all meeting details passed over to Basecamp.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved Zoho CRM Installation Issue: We fixed a problem where installing Zoho CRM was causing a 400 error.

  • Improved Webhooks for Event Types: Webhooks for managed event types will now trigger for both team and user webhooks, enhancing their functionality. 

  • Enhanced Date Overwrite Modal: We've addressed some user interface issues in the date overwrite modal, ensuring it works smoothly even when no date is selected.

  • Team Image Display Issue Resolved: An issue where the team image wasn't appearing on event-type pages has been fixed

  • Improved Name Field Pre-filling: We fixed an issue where prefill wasn't working when the firstAndLastName variant was enabled in the name field and there were no spaces in the name.

  • Payment Fixes for Round-Robin Events: Payment issues related to round-robin events have been resolved.

  • Event Duration Issue Fixed: An issue where event duration could be set to 0 has been addressed.

  • Routing Form Enhancement: Responses in the routing form will now be displayed in the order of fields, improving user experience.

  • SVG Icon Display Improved: SVG icons now display correctly in both light and dark modes. 

  • Gravatar Removed: We've removed Gravatar as its placeholder icon wasn’t very nice looking and it feels outdated.

  • Username Invite Issue Fixed: An issue related to username invites has been resolved.

  • Improved Date Selection: Switching between months will no longer lead to incorrect auto-selection of the first available date.

  • Team Logo Display Issue Fixed: The team logo will now correctly appear in the Team Event Create Modal.

  • Enhanced Signup Password Hint Validation: We've improved the password hint validation during signup.

  • Multiple Duration Booking Fixed: An issue with multiple duration bookings has been resolved.

  • Meeting-Ended Trigger Enhancement: The trigger for meeting-ended webhooks and Zapier integration has been improved for more reliable performance.

  • Booking Order Fixed: Bookings will now be displayed in the correct order.

  • Stripe Integration for Team: Stripe has been installed for team use on the team event-type app page.

  • Extended Duration for Scheduling: You can now schedule events with a duration of 150 minutes.

  • Payment Fee Removal: We've removed the payment fee on Stripe for a smoother payment experience.

  • Org Admin Now Has Team Member Privileges: We've updated the system so that organization admins now have the same privileges as team members.

  • As usual, this is only a small portion of the work we shipped over the last month so if you want to see them all you can view them here.

That’s it for this month, thanks for reading. If you'd like to give us feedback on anything we've shipped this month - we'd love to hear from you! Email us at

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Let people book when it works for both of you