Tuesday, April 9, 2024 · 2 min read

Deel x Cal.com: One Year Later

Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa HeubiWriter
Deel x Cal.com: One Year Later

Cue the flashback sequence

It’s 2023 and Deel.com is a global HR and EOR platform. Companies worldwide are using Deel to recruit, manage, and retain employees internationally. Tasks that were once draining and complex are now effortless thanks to Deel’s all-in-one payroll, tax compliance, and benefits product.

The team that powers Deel is driven by experience, professionalism, and commitment to innovation. This is a company filled with people who are always analyzing areas of opportunity and working towards iterative improvement. This culture and mindset meant Deel was already hunting for a comprehensive booking solution when they discovered Cal.com.

As an open-source calendar scheduling infrastructure product Cal.com’s features and customization options seemed suited to Deel’s unique requirements; however, only time could reveal the true impact of this partnership.

So…what happened next?

Well, prior to using Cal.com, Deel's customer service experts had to use a variety of external services in order to find mutually compatible times to collaborate with each other and follow up with customers. This typically meant that there was a bunch of back and forth when booking initial meetings or managing cancellations, and rescheduling.

All of these little delays acted as a form of attrition that ultimately got in the way of the type of efficiency Deel team members knew was possible. Cal.com's solution was simple. We would provide the infrastructure needed so that Deel's team members could build and book a variety of custom appointment types.

What did this look like?

Deel started using Cal.com's infrastructure to offer on-demand video calls with their customer support team. Our round-robin booking feature and managed event templates made this easy. Based on the success of this initial rollout, Deel later expanded their usage of Cal.com to also include their customer success team and their security team.

…And what was the end result?

In one year, Deel has gone from having zero employees using Cal.com scheduling infrastructure to 800. In fact, Deel's on course to have 3000 employees utilizing Cal.com by the end of 2024, as they expand and onboard additional departments. Deel is sticking with Cal.com because our product has made a meaningful difference to their bottom line.

Using Cal.com has drastically reduced scheduling overhead, improved customer satisfaction scores by 20%, and has increased efficiency to the degree that Deel now has a booking call every 4 minutes.

If you want to learn more about how Deel has benefited from Cal.com’s scheduling infrastructure, then please check out our blog post from last year and our current case study.

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