Tuesday, September 3, 2024 · 3 min read

Cal.com and Synthflow: The future of AI-powered scheduling

Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa HeubiWriter
Cal.com and Synthflow: The future of AI-powered scheduling

Simplify scheduling with Cal.com

At Cal, we're passionate about making sure that our product is customizable. We want people from all walks of life to feel comfortable using Cal so that they can empower themselves. This is why we offer multiple modes of customization. If you love programming and coding, you can access our GitHub repo to build your own customized tool. If, on the other hand, you're more a fan of plug-and-play, then the default Cal.com hosted experience is exactly what you're looking for.

Our app store is an essential part of the Cal.com experience. It means that you can add integrations like Zoom, Stripe, Google Analytics, and Make without having to touch a single line of code. This keeps things nimble, flexible, and most importantly, efficient.

This is why we're proud to announce that Cal.com is now compatible with Synthflow. Synthflow is a fantastic product that provides businesses with customizable AI voice agents.

Who is Synthflow For?

Synthflow is a white-label-friendly AI voice agent solution. This product lets you build a no-code AI phone system with customizable AI voice agents. Using Synthflow means that there are fewer missed calls and more opportunities for converting leads.

Using Synthflow with Cal.com is a great way to enhance the accessibility options available to your target audience. Synthflow integrates with Cal.com, meaning that your Synthflow AI agents are able to book and manage Cal.com appointments.

This means that if you have Synthflow installed, a client can call the designated number, communicate with one of your AI voice agents, and receive not just a time and date for their appointment but also a confirmation email with additional information like the location of the booking. Synthflow is ideal if you're working with people who don't have a lot of time or are simply less comfortable using online booking interfaces. This is a great option for people with disabilities, such as visual impairments, as well as seniors and youths.

Using Synthflow with Cal.com

Setting up your Cal.com and Synthflow integration doesn't take very much time. There are two ways of doing it. The first is that you can visit this link in order to install Cal.com's app for Synthflow. This will allow you to install the app by simply clicking a few buttons and following the on-screen prompts.

Your second option is to make a Synthflow account first. You'll need one anyway. Then create the connection on the Synthflow side. To make things easier, we've outlined the steps for adding Cal.com as an integration from within your Synthflow account right below.

Connecting your Synthflow account with Cal.com

This tutorial will guide you through setting up an AI voice agent integrated with a calendar scheduling product for real-time bookings. By following these steps, will help you successfully connect your Synthflow AI voice assistant to your Cal.com account and start saving time.

One - Setting up Real-Time Booking

  • Log in to your Synthflow account.

  • Click on "Actions" in the left-hand menu.

  • Select "Real-Time Booking."

  • Press "Create."

  • Paste your Cal event ID (found on your Cal.com booking page).

  • Click "Next."

Two - Configure Booking Settings

  • Enter the email where you want to receive bookings.

  • Toggle on "Send Confirmation SMS."

  • Customize the SMS message if desired.

  • Choose your time zone.

  • Select the initial booking date.

  • Set available days for appointments.

  • Determine the number of slots per day.

  • Set the interval between slots.

  • Press "Save."

Three - Attach the Booking Action to your assistant

  • Go back to your assistant.

  • Open the "Actions" tab.

  • Press "Add."

  • Select the newly created real-time booking action.

Four - Test the Booking System

  • Place a test call to your AI assistant.

  • Provide necessary information (e.g., property location).

  • Choose from available time slots.

  • Confirm the appointment.

Five - Verify the Booking

  • Check for a confirmation SMS.

  • Look for a confirmation email.

  • Both should include the appointment date, time, and a meeting link (e.g., Google Meet).

Your Synthflow assistant is now connected to Cal.com and can make real-time bookings using your new voice AI assistant. This setup allows for efficient lead qualification and appointment scheduling.

As you can see, using Cal.com with Synthflow is a simple way to enhance your calendar scheduling environment. Simplify the booking process for your customers and differentiate yourself from your competition by increasing the accessibility of your product. Thanks for taking the time to read this article, and as always, happy scheduling.

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